Saturday, August 7, 2010


Jared made it through the busiest semester of college! I'll be honest I was wondering if it would ever come to an end! Jared did so well this semester he has worked really hard and the hard work has paid off! Now we have a few days to relax before I go back to teaching and he goes back to school! Oh love we have for school! Jared threatens from time to time that he is going to get his PhD.! I have no comment about this. :0 I'm just grateful we are done with this semester! Although we have had a really busy semester we have had a lot of fun. I think I left my camera cord at school so I haven't been able to post any pictures but I will. Jared and I ran the Deseret News 10k on the 24th of July. Jared ran ahead and my sister-in-law Sarah M. ran the whole way with me my brother Darren ran it too and we were able to run the first half with him, but unfortunately he ran ahead and finished before we did! Sarah was great she kept my mind off the running and we had fun chatting the whole race. (Needless to say it was much of a run for her, more like a jog) but we had a lot of fun anyway and she helped me make my goal time! Exactly one hour! Thanks Sarah!


  1. I love the new look on your blog. Thanks for the update. I really like your new picture, it's a great picture of both of you. I love you both so much! Lots of Love, Aunt Lulu

  2. Don't you love those milestones! They make the tough things worth it. I loved running with you. We should start a tradition.
